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Creating conceptual schema with ORM

Last post Fri, Feb 26 2010 4:08 by Anonymous. 8 replies.
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  • Thu, Feb 11 2010 17:35

    • vkannel
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    Creating conceptual schema with ORM

    HelloI have recently discovered (actually I bought it) the T.Halpin’s book “Information modeling and relational databases” and started to read it and discovered that it is great. (Before that I was little bit familiar with ER method) Unfortunately English is not my native languages and I did not fallow everything (especially CSDP Step 3). Because of that I have decided to create my own conceptual schema with virtual company (I made it up from my experience), with all the tasks, departments, personnel etc. The result was….ok it needs a lot of fixing. Right now I am actually little bit confused: maybe I have wrong tools, maybe ORM is not meant for this kind of modeling. So I will try to fix this schema, because I think that if I fallow my example then I might one day understood what Terry meant (even with his third step). But I am also hoping that maybe there is someone who could help me, show me what I did wrong or maybe show how it is possible to complete all the elementary facts. If there is someone I would appreciate a lot. I will attempt to explain what I did and what I wanted to do.First thing I created elementary facts into sentences. So here they are and if you look pictures then I have created the red circle with number (so sentences in here and whatever is inside the red circle should go together).1.       Department is a part of Administration (Administration might have a lot of department but I included so far only one. I guessed that if I manage to accomplish one, then others should be easier)2.       Department has a name. Department has English name. Department has national name.3.       Department have to fallow law (rules). There are national and international law and other regulations.4.       Department is cooperating with outside partners. Management board has to agree before this cooperation is allowed.5.       Department has address. Address composes from street, index and city.6.       Department might have its own seal (stamp). Seal has to be approved, given by management board. Department has to fallow document policy. Document policy regulates how to use seal. Overall policy regulates department document policy.7.       Management board makes a decision how many workers can belong to department. Management fallows the company owner decisions. 8.       Department is leaded by department head. If department head is away (vacation etc) then Department staff head takes a lead. If he is also away then management board signs a person who leads department (this is not shown – I could not figure out how to do it…yet).9.       Department might have its own symbolic. If they have symbolic then it is regulated by laws.Now the schema was already too complex so I created second file.10.   Department tasks are driven (taken) from overall regulations and specific regulations (they have to be shown separately). Department AND department head has to fallow these regulations.11.   Department consists of section. Section MIGHT consist of development subsection. Section is leaded by section head.12.   Department consists of factories (let’s say that their numbers can be 1-10). Factory might include unique factory.

    13.   And finally again tasks. Section has his own tasks. Section plans factory work. Factory has to fallow this plan. Section advises department head.

    Pictures and Visaul Studi fails are in here (sorry could not find better place so fast):

    With all the best,


  • Fri, Feb 12 2010 6:10 In reply to

    • Ken Evans
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    Re: Creating conceptual schema with ORM

    ORM deals in "Facts" and we use specialised ORM tools to model sets of facts.

    INPUT The input to an object-role model is a set of facts.
    For example: 
         Department(name) has Factory(name)
         Person(id) is head of Department(name)
         Factory(name) is in City(name).

    And so on...

    OUTPUT The output from an object-role model is a "logical model" . (for example a 5NF relational model or a Class model.)     

    Your diagram does not look like either a relational or ER model or a class model.
    Your diagram looks like any block diagram that you could build in Visio or a similar drawing package.
    So I'm a bit confused by your message.

    No problem for you to build your own "conceptual schema" but with ORM, this is expressed using the object-role modeling language as either an object-role model diagram or a set of facts.

    Hope this helps


  • Fri, Feb 12 2010 6:56 In reply to

    • vkannel
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    Re: Creating conceptual schema with ORM

    Sorry for this mess in previous message. I had no idea, that text will be automatically changed here.

    Anyway I came out with another great idea - comparing ER, ORM and UML (last two are actually done before, but ER is not). I hope that this will help me and someone else to undestand what are meant in each modelling language.

     With all the best


  • Fri, Feb 12 2010 7:27 In reply to

    • vkannel
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    Re: Creating conceptual schema with ORM

    Conceptual schema comprises three main sections: fact types, constraints and derivation rules (Halpin).

    So if I undestand you correctly with ORM there is no schemas just sentences? But how then this version is better then ER. Usually user (expert) wants to see a picture (schema), because it describes things. Also with sentences you can not express constraints (you can but then you have to repeat your sentence in negative form).

    With all the best


    NB! I added the schema according your INPUT example. Does it mean (again) that those three sentences were conteptual "schema" and what I draw was logical?

  • Fri, Feb 12 2010 8:19 In reply to

    • Ken Evans
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    Re: Creating conceptual schema with ORM

    That's a very interesting table. However, your table has a few problems:

    Firstly, by using a table in this way, you imply that ER, UML and ORM are "equivalent" in some way and this is not the case.
    If you do want to make a table that compares ER, UML and ORM then you need a fourth column entitled "Problem to be solved"
    By doing this you will discover that there will be many blanks in the cells.

    Some examples:
    Row 1: "ER does not support automatic converting into a logical model..."
    This statement is not true because ER  IS a logical model. (or at least a summary of one) (See the papers on the library about ER and ORM.)

    Row 2: The single terms that you use (ER: Entity, ORM: Entity and UML: Object) can't really be compared in this way. (because words on their own have no meaning)

    * The concept of "Entity" in ER is based on Peter Chen's 1976 assertion that "people naturally view the world as entities and attributes" (I don't think that this is true.

    * The concept of "Entity" (or object) in ORM  can be loosely thought of as "a thing that you want to talk about"

    * The concept of "Object" in UML relates to a coding construct using an OO language.

    The "object" in an object-role model is best seen as a member of a "Universe of Discourse" .
    In particular, the lessons from semiotics show that things (e.g. an ORM object) only have meaning in context. the 2 ORM Object

    So I suggest that you invent a fourth column and then adapt and re-post your table.

    Lastly, if you look at the "research" page on this website, you wil see that my 2008 dissertaion for my Masters degree was all about comparing UML with ER and ORM.

    So  your assertion that "...comparing ER, ORM and UML (last two are actually done before, but ER is not) is not actually true.



  • Fri, Feb 12 2010 9:24 In reply to

    • Ken Evans
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    Re: Creating conceptual schema with ORM

    That's good for what I imagine might be one of your first attempts to use NORMA.
    I have made a valid model that is shown in the diagram embedded with this post.

    Some comments on your diagram.
    1: In your diagram, you can see several red symbols over your fact types.
    These red symbols show that there is an error.
    If you look in your ORM verbalization window, you will see descriptions of the errors. 

    2: Your ternary fact that includes Department, Person and Factory does not make sense.
    You will see this in the verbalizer window.

    Conceptual vs Logical

    In ORM, the "conceptual level" is the complete set of facts  that describe the Universe of Discourse (UoD). (from "Formal Logic" by Augustus De Morgan -1847)

    The logical level is (for example) the relational diagram that is mapped from the conceptual model.
    Note The logical model diagram contains less information than the ORM diagram. The "extra" information is encoded in (for example) triggers that represent the constraints that you have defined in your conceptual model)

    So it is not true to assert that "With ORM there is no schemas just sentences".
    ORM applies first-order predicate logic whereas UML and ER are just non-standard diagrams (One author I read called them "cartoons")
    My problem here is that I don't know how to explain first-order predicate logic to you in a few words.

    However, to help the discussion along, I have made a valid object-role model of the UoD  that we are discussing.
    Hope this helps





  • Fri, Feb 12 2010 9:58 In reply to

    • vkannel
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    Re: Creating conceptual schema with ORM

    Thank you Ken

    ORM verbalization window makes much more sense now (I saw the errors, but didn't know how to fix them, except giving pointless values). Still seems that NORMA is great tool and I will continue with my efforts to create conceptual schema of company (initialy only department 1). As far as I understood then it is still possible to place everything into one window (sheet) and if I manage to do it, then I have accomplished maybe two things:

    1. Getting to know NORMA

    2. Improving my understandings of ORM


  • Fri, Feb 12 2010 10:13 In reply to

    • Ken Evans
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    Re: Creating conceptual schema with ORM

    Good to hear that you are making progress.

    Regarding your comments on

    As far as I understood then it is still possible to place everything into one window (sheet)

    There are several important points to bear in mind:

    1: The UoD is the complete model 
    2: In NORMA, the complete model is stored as a file and, when in use, is all in real memory.
    3: In NORMA and VEA a conceptual model can be defined using several pages.
    4: In VEA the logical model can also be spread across multiple pages but this is not yet implemented in NORMA.
    5: I recommend that to simplify model development and management, a complete conceptual model should be defined on more than one page.
    Thus in your conceptual model, you might use separate pages for: Person, Department, Factory, Product and so on.  

    Hope this helps


  • Fri, Feb 26 2010 4:08 In reply to

    Re: Creating conceptual schema with ORM

    Ken Evans:
    Your ternary fact that includes Department, Person and Factory does not make sense.

    I'm not sure I'd express it as "not making sense". It represents an example of a sentence that someone might use in natural speech, and would be understood, so in that sense it does make sense.

    However, such a natural-language sentence contains two separate facts; that the person heads a department, and that the department has a factory. This makes it a compound fact - and the original ORM reflects this as a compound fact type. ORM does not allow compound fact types - and that is one of its key strengths over ER and object modelling. By forcing all fact types to be elementary, ORM makes it possible to untangle the meanings of the separate facts, and to correctly figure out and verbalise the constraints over those relationships

     You'll see that Ken has done this untangling (into elementary form) in his alternative.  When you learn always to distinguish a fact that isn't elementary, and to break it into its elementary facts, you will have made a big step towards mastering ORM.

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