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  • Re: ORM diagram questions vs EERD

    Thank you for such a detailed answer. I've been studying Database Design for the last 3 months and 9 weeks of it has been EERD, in the last 4 weeks they introduced ORM. Our assement is to compare both methods for an imaginary project which we had to produce originally in EERD format with a few queries thrown in for ...
    Posted to User experience (Forum) by combitz on Mon, Dec 29 2008
  • ORM diagram questions vs EERD

    I'm converting an EERD diagram to ORM and have a couple of questions to how some fact types should be displayed. If a value to an entity is to be derived, then should it still show the dot on the entity side as a mandatory required field. I have an age value but it won't be stored, it will be calculated from DOB. In EERD ...
    Posted to User experience (Forum) by combitz on Sun, Dec 28 2008
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