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Sample Data support and Key-board shortcut documentation in ORM-LITE v0.11a

Last post Tue, Dec 16 2008 17:02 by BrianC. 0 replies.
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  • Tue, Dec 16 2008 17:02

    • BrianC
    • Top 25 Contributor
    • Joined on Thu, Oct 9 2008
    • Posts 48

    Sample Data support and Key-board shortcut documentation in ORM-LITE v0.11a

    Sample data is the major addition to the latest beta release of ORM-LITE. Two factors drove this addition. First, the ability to display sample value tables in the diagram is an invaluable aid to explaining the uniqueness constraint notation. Second, the case for entering sample data is more compelling if the sample data can be use to populate a test database. We feel that sample data support will make it easier to test (and demonstrate) code generated to implement ORM constraints. While sample data SQL "insert" generation isn't supported yet, this enhancement lays the ground work.

    Alex and I recently worked out the algorithm that we would like to use for the management of sample data. The core parts of the algorithm are implemented in this release. Each sample value object is tied to an object type. Sample data cells are tied to shared value objects. The order of display for sample data is tied to the preferred fact reading. Unused sample data objects (caused, for example, by typos) are automatically cleaned up. Future plans include the ability to display and edit the sample values of each object type and to enter sample data without adding a sample table to the diagram.

    The ORM quick start documentation explained how to create diagrams with a mouse, but didn't include important keyboard shortcuts. The quickest method to enter a new fact is:

    1. Shift-click on the canvas to create a new object type
    2. Switch to the keyboard to enter the object type name
    3. Type "(" to enter the reference mode
    4. Press ctrl-r to start a fact type
    5. Type the fact type predicate
    6. Press ctrl-r to start another new object type
    7. Enter the object type name 

    Other short cuts for object types (that are not yet included in the quick start documentation) are:

    • Type"$" to toggle between entity and value types
    • Type "*" to toggle derived
    • Type "+" to toggle semi-derived
    • Type "!" to toggle independent

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